Supporting Communities
Charitable Fund
Our focus for 2020/21 — Supporting Ireland's Children
You Buy, We Give. Every time you make a shop and fuel or a shop-only purchase, in Applegreen in Northern Ireland, we donate 1p to the Applegreen Charitable Fund on your behalf.
The Charitable Fund lies close to the hearts of all of us who work in Applegreen NI and the fund is further boosted by ongoing fund-raising activities and events organised by Applegreen staff. Applegreen UK are looking to give back to local communities where our stores are located, by supporting and sponsoring local community groups.
UK contact: ukmarketingrequests@applegreen.ie
NI contact: charity@applegreen.ie

Friends of the Cancer Centre
For 35 years, Friends of the Cancer Centre has been dedicated to making a real and meaningful difference to cancer patients and their families across Northern Ireland. The charity is here to enhance the quality of patient care and support through its life-changing and life-saving work and does this by funding additional nurses, supporting local research and providing practical support, such as financial grants, which help families through a difficult time. Our partnership began in 2018, with a clear focus on supporting young people in Northern Ireland who have cancer, by funding vital hours of nursing care. It costs just £25 to provide one hour of care from a Friends of the Cancer Centre specialist nurse and to date, the partnership has enabled us to fund 3,891 hours of specialist nursing care for young these young people. We are delighted to know that the Applegreen Charitable Fund is continuing its support throughout 2020, as we celebrate the charity’s 35th Anniversary and together, we are helping make a real and meaningful difference to so many local families affected by cancer.
– Colleen Shaw, Chief Executive

Sponsored by Applegreen
To date Applegreen UK have supported and sponsored several community groups ranging from local children’s football teams, through to activity day camps for children with learning disabilities. The aim is to encourage community spirit within our Applegreen stores and the surrounding areas. For more details on our sponsorship opportunities email UKmarketingrequests@applegreenstores.co.uk